Grants etc.
- NIH/NIGMS, SBIR/STTR Fast Track (Phase I and Phase II), R44, "Virtual Rotator Cuff Arthroscopic Skill Trainer (ViRCAST)", $1,725,000 (Co-PI) (Active)
- NSF/CNS MRI, "MRI: Acquisition of a High-Performance Computing System for University of Central Arkansas", $105,000 (Co-PI)
- NIH/NIGMS INBRE, "CAMP: Computer-Assisted online Melanoma diagnosis Platform" , ~$290,000 (PI)
- NIH/NIGMS INBRE, "Virtual Fundamentals Arthroscopic Skill Trainer (VFAST)" , ~$290,000 (Co-PI)
- NIH/NIGMS INBRE, "VATDEP: Virtual Arthroscopic Tear Diagnosis and Evaluation Platform for Rotator Cuff Surgery" , ~$326,000 (Co-PI)
- NSF/ CNS, "MRI: Acquisition of a High-Performance Computing System for University of Central Arkansas", ~$100,000 (Co-PI)
- ASTA PROPOSAL NO. 15-B-25, “WebFracDerm: Web-based Fractal Geometry for Automatic Skin Cancer Malignancy Detection in Dermoscopy”, ~$47,000, (PI, active)
- NSF/TCPP Core Curriculum Initiative for Undergraduates, Early Adopter, $1,500 (PI)
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Subaward. $20,000 (PI)
- NSF Subaward, “Assessment of Treatment for Head and Neck Center.” $18,740 (PI)
- ASTA Subaward, “Assessment of Treatment for Head and Neck Center.” $16,000 (PI)
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Subaward, “Discovering concepts from text reports: An n-gram based approach is exclusively used for mining text data from pathology reports”, 09/15/2009-08/15/2010, $20,000 (PI).
- URC Research Project, The Callisto Cluster – UCA’s First Research Computer Cluster , $25,000 (Co-PI)
- NSF REU, "REU Site: HIT@UCA: Applied Research in Health Information Technique", NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), $368,414 (Senior Investigator)
- URC Research Project, “Real-time Automated Border Detection in Dermoscopy Images with CUDA”, $4,835 (PI)
- Sponsored programs match for ASTA funding, $5,067.50 (PI)
- UCA Foundation, Faculty Challenge Grant, $1,672.50 (PI)
- URC Research Project, “Biomedical High Performance Computing: BioMed HPC”, $9,547 (PI, Not funded)
- IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), EduPar 2012 traveling funding supported by NSF/IEEE TCPP, $2500 awarded (2012).
- Start-up funding from University of Central Arkansas, $10,000.
- 2013 URC Faculty Summer Stipend Grant, $3,000(PI).